Effects of Moringa Oleifera leaves powder and Aloe vera gel on biochemical and haematological parameters of Coturnix Japonica quail

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Effects of Moringa Oleifera leaves powder and Aloe vera gel on biochemical and haematological parameters of Coturnix Japonica quail

Djinandji Gnamien Marie-Claire, Zougrou N’Guessan Ernest, Kande Brahima, Kouakou Koffi
Int. J. Biosci.20( 2), 153-161, February 2022.
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This study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effects of Moringa oleifera leaves powder and Aloe vera gel on the biochemical and haematological parameters of quails. For this purpose, 147 quails were divided into 7 batches of 21 subjects (12 males and 9 females) receiving respectively 0% ; 2% ; 5% and 10% of Moringa oleifera leaves powder and 2% ; 5% and 10% of Aloe vera gel were used. After 8 weeks of treatment, the blood of a sample of 3 males and 3 female’s quails was taken from each batch for biochemical and haematological analysis. The analyses were done using automatics Mindrays analysers according to different assays methods. Following the analyses, no significant differences were observed between the blood parameters of males and females quails. The haematological analyses showed that only the white blood cell count varied. Thus, this rate was meaningfully higher in the quails of the MO5% batch by 55.16% (P=0.040), the MO10%, batch by 51.77% (P=0.041) and the AV10% batch by 104.45% (P=0.009) compared to the control batch. As for the biochemical parameters, the analyses revealed no significant difference between those of the treated quails and the controls, except for the MO10% lot, which had an increased blood glucose level of 72.73% (P=0.032) compared to the controls. The addition of Moringa oleifera leaves powder or Aloe vera gel up 10% to the feed had no adverse effect on the health of the quails.

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