Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants traditionally used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in Benin

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Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants traditionally used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in Benin

Ismaël Akossibe Batcho, Eben-Ezer Baba Kayodé Ewédjè, Richard Menson Somanin, Paul Ezin Ogan, Hounnankpon Yédomonhan, Aristide Cossi Adomou
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 100-136, November 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Sexual dysfunction or sexual disorder is a serious medical condition that affects both men and women. It has a strong impact on the patient’s life quality and can threaten the stability of the couple’s relationship. However, side effects of synthetic molecules, poverty and illiteracy give a new impetus to natural products, such as traditional herbs, that produce aphrodisiac effects for sexual enhancement. This study was carried out to document medicinal plants and recipes used against sexual dysfunctions in Benin. Data were collected using ethnobotanical and market surveys from 272 informants followed by observations. A total of 148 aphrodisiac plant species belonging to 133 genera from 64 plant families were recorded. Aphrodisiac plant species were mainly herbs (31.08%) and tree (27.70%) mostly represented by Fabaceae (13.51%).  64 of them have previously been evaluated scientifically while 37 aphrodisiac plants were reported for the first time. 33 plant species were the most commonly used. Aphrodisiac plant parts root (31.92%) and leaves (20.19%) were mostly used for 324 recipes to treat seven (7) ailments of which the common was sexual weakness (86.40%). The maceration (38.72%), powder (29.79%) and oral route (92.92%) were the main galenic forms and the main mode of administration, respectively. The findings will serve as a reference for the selection of plants for further pharmacological, toxicological, and phytochemical investigations in developing new plant-based drugs used for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.


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