Evaluation of antioxidant efficiency on physiochemical and sensory properties of sucrose bar prepared from red delicious apple (Malus domestica) grown in Northern areas of Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Evaluation of antioxidant efficiency on physiochemical and sensory properties of sucrose bar prepared from red delicious apple (Malus domestica) grown in Northern areas of Pakistan

Muhammad Mazahir, Zohaib Asad, Shaukat Bashir, Azher Mehdi, Muhammad Zubair
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 80-91, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Red delicious apple (Malusdomestica) is very important fruit plant native to northern areas of Pakistan. From dietary point of view it has lot of potential. By product develops from this precious fruit also have high market as well as dietary value. This research was conducted in the PCSIR (Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Center) research laboratory in Skardu Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan for monitoring the effectiveness of ascorbic acid (AA),citric acid (CA) and potassium meta-bisulphite (KMS) ongeneral quality of sucrose apple bars during the periods of three months storage at room temperature. Sucrose bars were developed from the pulp of red delicious apple fruit. The finding showed that the antioxidants had major impact on physiochemical and sensory parameters and there were declining pattern was observed in all treatments, activity of water content reduced from 0.69% to 0.64%, non-reducing sugars decrease from 4.12 to 3.92 %, moisture content showed down pattern from 17.3 to 15.04 %, pH dropped from 3.64 to 3.43, and ascorbic acid decrease from 3.11 to 0.61 %. On the other hand up streaming pattern was notedin reducing sugars (17.28 to 17.31 %), Titratable acidity increase from1.24% to 1.47%,total solids increase tremendously from 83.26% to 87.38 %and total soluble solids also showed increasing pattern (63.17 to 68.46 °Brix)in the samples.We can develop different byproduct having high market values from this delicious fruit. This may leads to directly or indirectly improve the living standard of native people.


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