Evaluation of free malaria case management for children under 5 years and pregnant woman in Benin

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Evaluation of free malaria case management for children under 5 years and pregnant woman in Benin

Yves Eric Denon, Mariam Oke, Fadéby Modeste Gouissi, Dorothée Kinde Gazard, Bruno Aholoukpe, Clarisse Nobime, Simon Atayi
Int. J. Micro. Myco.2( 4), 6-13, September 2014.
Certificate: IJMM 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In 2011, the government of the Republic of Benin decided the free malaria cases management for pregnant women and children under 5 years. Started in November 2011, this initiative helped to ensure a free malaria cases management of 48574 cases of uncomplicated malaria in 2012 for children less than 5 years and 6888 for pregnant women. Similarly 77% of health centers are actually implementing the initiative and 96% of health centers have been reimbursed at least once.


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