Evaluation of NERICA rice mutant in Jhum cultivation

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Evaluation of NERICA rice mutant in Jhum cultivation

Sushan Chowhan, Rigyan Gupta, Mirza Mofazzal Islam, Shamsun Nahar Begum
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 24-31, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Jhum cultivation of rice is an ancient practice of the tribal people living in the hill tracts of Bangladesh. They can grow rice only once a year in the Aus season. Most of the varieties are traditional which are low yielding and long duration (140-160 days). Considering this situation, an experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of NERICA rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant- N4/350/P-4(5) with check variety BRRI dhan48 and parent NERICA-4 for their growth, yield and duration in Aus season at jhum cultivation in Panchariupazila of Khagrachari hill tract. RCB design was followed for experimentation and data was collected during harvest. From the result it was observed that, maximum plant height (132.7 cm), percent unfilled grains/hill (45.02) and 1000 seed weight (33.69) was obtained from NERICA-4. Days to 50% flowering (78.33), days to maturity (95.33 DAD) and HI (15.35%) was also found to be lowest by NERICA-4. BRRI dhan48 exhibited lightest 1000 seed weight (26.91 g), maximum days to maturity (106 DAD) and similar percent of unfilled grains/panicle (42.87)as that of NERICA-4. NERICA mutant- N4/350/P-4(5) had lowest percentage of unfilled grains/hill (17.62), earlier maturity (101 DAD) than BRRI dhan48 and highest HI (47.77%). Straw (11.70 t/ha) and biological yield (13.80 t/ha) was most at NERICA-4 and least at NERICA mutant (straw-4.80 t/ha and biological yield-9.10 t/ha). Grain yield (4.3 t/ha) was highest observed in NERICA mutant followed by BRRI dhan48 (4.0 t/ha) and NERICA-4 (2.30 t/ha). Being a short duration, high yielding and less pest infestation line; NERICA mutant-N4/350/P-4(5) can be recommended for variety of aus season in the Jhum cultivation of hill tracts.


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