Evaluation of oil content and composition seed oil of Iranian borage Echium amoenum subjected in leshkan accession in North of Iran

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Research Paper 01/03/2014
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Evaluation of oil content and composition seed oil of Iranian borage Echium amoenum subjected in leshkan accession in North of Iran

Esmail Babakhanzadeh Sajirani, Javad Hadian, VahidAbdossi, Kambiz Larijani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 151-155, March 2014.
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Iranian Gole Gav Zaban (Echium amoenum fich & mey), a perennial endemic Iranian medicinal plant, belonged to Boraginaceae family, naturally grown in mountainous regions of North of Iran. The violet dry petals have been used as tonic, tranquillizer, diaphoretic, cough suppressant and a remedy for sore throat in folk Iranian medicine. This study is the first report about the analysis of seeds oil of Echium amoenum in leshkan accession. The results showed that the oil content of seeds was 36.4% and eleven fatty acids were identified and quantified by gas chromatography (GC). The major fatty acidsr espectively were α-Linolenic acid (35.69%), Linoleic acid (20.68%) and Oleic acid (17.08%).


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