Evaluation of organic culture media for mass production of Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai)

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Evaluation of organic culture media for mass production of Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai)

Ferdous Akter, Md. Giush Uddin Ahmed, M. Firoz Alam, Surovi Sultana, M. Ahsanur Rahman
Int. J. Micro. Myco.4( 2), 1-7, September 2016.
Certificate: IJMM 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental contamination for excessive use of chemical protectant increasing the interest in integrated pest management and organic farming. Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai) a promising biocontrol agent fairly acceptable globally used against wide array of plant pathogens. Culture establishment and easy utilization technique of those isolates may not evident for commercialization in all level because of costly production. To cultivate the inoculums in the cheapest suitable media of organic source present study was undertaken. Mycelial growth, conidial production and biomass yield of Trichoderma harzianum were examined on four different culture media including potato dextrose agar, modified potato dextrose agar, carrot Agar, pulse sucrose agar. The medium had a significant effect on growth rate and population of the Trichoderma species. Carrot Agar was the best medium in terms of quick growth rate and spore production with at low cost. Average linear growth rate was measured after three days of inoculation and highest linear growth has found on potato dextrose agar medium followed by carrot agar. The Biomass yield also recorded as fresh weight and dry weight of inoculums from liquid culture medium and the maximum yielding of inoculums has found in potato dextrose broth and minimum in carrot broth.


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