Evaluation of Talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts by-products
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Evaluation of Talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts by-products
Sensory evaluation or analysis is an invaluable tool in determining the consumers’ acceptability of a product developed and eventually its market success. This is a sequel test after the chemical analysis and microbiological procedures have been conducted. The study determined the level of acceptability of the by-product of Talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts specifically; Talisay Nuts Polvoron, Glazed Talisay Nuts, and Sugar-coated Talisay Nuts using sensory evaluation as to appearance, taste, aroma, sweetness, and texture. The responses of the food inclined participants are described yielding from the Hedonic Tests conducted and statistically treated. Results concluded that the developed products are remarkably acceptable and marketable.
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Mauricio S. Adlaon, Alicia Z. Maghuyop (2022), Evaluation of Talisay (Terminalia catappa) nuts by-products; IJAAR, V20, N6, June, P1-10
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