Evaluation of the chemical composition of Pentadesma butyracea butter and defatted kernels

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Evaluation of the chemical composition of Pentadesma butyracea butter and defatted kernels

Fidèle Paul Tchobo, Alitonou Guy Alain, Noudogbessi Jean-Pierre, Laguerre Mickael, Barea Bruno, Georges Piombo, Natta K. Armand, Villeneuve Pierre, Soumanou Mohamed Mansourou, Souhounhloue K. C. Dominique
Int. J. Biosci.3( 1), 101-108, January 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Studies were carried out on P. butyracea kernels to determine their nutritional and antinutritional composition. The kernels contained 41.9% of butter. The physicochemical properties of the butter are as follows: saponification value, 192.5 mg KOH/g of oil; refractive index (20°C), 1.462; unsaponifiable matter, 1.8%; acidity, 0.41%; peroxide value, 17.3 meq O2/kg of butter. The butter contains high levels of oleic acid (47.3%) and stearic acid (47.2). The composition of triacylglycerols (TAGs) was characterized by two components SOO and SOS. The DSC melting curves of butter revealed two melting points of 20.4°C and 39.3°C and melting enthalpy values of 30.6 J/g and 78.2 J/g. Stigmasterol (56.3%) and campesterol (27.6%) were the abundant sterols. Protein content (7.3 % dry weight) was recorded in the kernel containing eighteen amino acids in varying proportions. Three sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) were identified. An ash content of (4.1% dry weight) was contained calcium, magnesium potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The result of the anti-nutritional factors showed that levels of phytate (0.42%), total phenol (0.14%) and oxalate (1.06%).


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