Extraction and quantification of tocopherols from edible oils using high performance liquid chromatography

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Extraction and quantification of tocopherols from edible oils using high performance liquid chromatography

Abdul Majid, Farah Naz, Abdul Rehman Phull, Sanaullah Abbasi, Aamir Hassan Khaskheli, Muzaffar Husain Sirohi, Israr Ahmed, Waqar Ahmed, Ghulam Fareed Narejo
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 181-187, April 2019.
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Adulteration of Extra Virgin Olive Oil with olive oil and sunflower oil remained major issue in edible oil industry. Herein, rapid, sensitive and precise method for the determination of all type of tocopherols in different vegetable oils includinhg sunflower oil, olive oil and extra virgin olive oil is reported. Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) with UV detector was used for tocopherol determination. A simple, quick and sensitive method to estimate the antioxidant quantity is proposed. In this method oils were diluted in methanol and injected directly into column (no saponification procedure). Methanol and water (98:2) mixture was used as mobile phase. Three tocopherols (α, γ and δ) were detected at 292 nm wavelength with UV detector. Method had good limit of detection (LOD) (7ng/g) and reproducibility (C.V% 0.9, 0.8 and 0.4 for α, γ and δ tocopherols, respectively). Result showed the best source for α-tocopherol was sun flower oil (146.65±1.7mg/kg). Oil richest in δ-tocopherol was olive oil and δ-tocopherol was absent in extra virgin olive oil. The current study suggest the new parameter (ratio of α/γ) as first screening indicator of authenticity of purity of extra virgin olive oil for differentiation of various cultivators of same generic source.


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