Fish assemblage associated with tidal channels of mangrove forest in Kribi (South Region, Cameroon)

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Fish assemblage associated with tidal channels of mangrove forest in Kribi (South Region, Cameroon)

Ophman Nsame-Bile, Ernest Flavien Kottè-Mapoko, Sylvie Carole Ntyam Ondo, Audry Mbock Nemba, Emmanuel Dicka-Kwambe, Isabelle Sarah Motto, Josiane Margo Nkakndjock, Seth Rodrigue Ebonji, Richard Jules Priso
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 6), 134-144, December 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The nursery function of mangroves for a range of macroinvertebrates and various species of fish is important. Despite this importance, very few studies have been conducted to assess ichthyological diversity in mangrove of Cameroon experienced an increasingly degradation mainly due to human activities. This survey aims to compare the diversity of fish between two tidal channels with different environmental characteristics. Physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals concentrations of each tidal channel of mangrove were measured during each collection campaigns. Two sampling methods were used for Ichtyofauna collection: experimental fishing in the two channels and investigations into boat landing stages along this mangrove channels. Heavy metals concentrations in water were high in Mpolongwè (Pb = 1.23mg.l-1 and Hg = 0.89mg.l-1), while in Eboundja these concentrations were Pb = 0.31mg.l-1 and Hg = 0.65mg.l-1, this suggests that degradation is high in Mpolongwé. A total of 1137 fishes belonging to 19 species grouped in 17 genera and 12 families were taken into account. The most abundant families were Carangidae, Clupeidae and Scianidae with 3 species each, followed by Polynemidae (2 species), while the last 8 families were represented by single species each. The ACP analysis has shown the mains environmental parameters which influenced the distribution of ichtyofauna within the two sites.


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