Functional properties of flour substitute from bolo (Gigantochloa levis) bamboo shoots and culms

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Research Paper 13/06/2023
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Functional properties of flour substitute from bolo (Gigantochloa levis) bamboo shoots and culms

Ana Jaya C. Trayvilla, Janus B. Pansacala
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 180-188, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The study aimed to generate flour substitute from the shoots and culms of Gigantochloa levis, determine and compare the percent yield of the flour produced between different source parts, and evaluate the functional properties of the shoots flour (SF) and culms flour (CF) in reference to first-class flour (FCF) and third-class flour (TCF). The average yield of the shoots and culm flour were 62.78% and 62.87% respectively. Starch was positively identified via iodine test for both samples. Results indicate that bamboo SF and bamboo CF had the following functional properties respectively; 12.61 and 11.75% moisture, 5.6 and 4.7 pH, 3.1942 and 3.5080 (g/g) water holding capacity (WHC), 1.3879 and 1.2834 (g/g) oil absorption capacity (OAC), 0.6519 and 0.7367 (g/ml) bulk density, 4.1046 and 3.6942 (g/g) swelling power, 20.090 and 24.2342% water solubility, 94 and 95°C gelatinization temperature (GT) and 14% and 16% (g/mL) least gelatinization concentration (LGC). It was revealed from the assessment; functional properties SF and CF are still comparable to the commercial flour with some advantages in other form of products, formulations, and usage. These include dough and pastries, enrichment of high dietary fiber content for bakery products, as flavor retainer, palatability enhancer and shelf-life extender. Based on the findings of this study, it can be inferred that bamboo shoots and culms of Gigantochloa levis could be a viable source for production of flour.


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