Gaseous emission estimations from earth’s land Fishponds, Cameroon

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Gaseous emission estimations from earth’s land Fishponds, Cameroon

Efole Ewoukem Thomas, Hassouna Mélinda, Robin Paul, Mikolasek Olivier, Aubin Joël, Ombredane Dominique
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 139-146, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Global warming is an important determinant of life on the earth. Estimating the effect of management practices on gas emissions (ammonia and greenhouse) is a new challenge for the sustainable development of fish farming and increase productivity of fish ponds. This work presents a simple method to compare various fish ponds where input levels or number of fish species varies. Air was collected during 24 hours in tedlar bags rainy season and dry season, either outside and just above the water level of eight earth’s land fish ponds at the aquaculture experimental platform of the University of Dschang-Cameroon (5°26.69-71’NL and 10°04.187-315′). The air was analyzed for CO2, CH4, NH3, N2O using photo acoustic spectrometry. The fish ponds had various input levels. Concentration gradients were calculated and interpreted based on the mass balance of the system. Results showed that CO2 gradients were higher with higher temperatures (26°C), and higher in the fish ponds with higher organic inputs and CH4 sinks related to a higher oxygen level in the water due to higher photosynthesis and the large deposit of death plankton on the bottom. NH3 and N2O gradients were significantly correlated while no correlation was detected between NH3 and CO2. It is assumed that higher nitrogen input or higher fish population induced higher NH3 emission and higher nitrogen turn-over inducing limited N2O emission and nitrite accumulation below toxic levels. Pond management can both improve feed efficiency of fish production and reduce NH3, N2O and CH4 emissions.


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