Genus and species-specific PCR revealed the presence of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in traditional Bangladeshi fermented milk products Dahi

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Research Paper 05/12/2022
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Genus and species-specific PCR revealed the presence of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in traditional Bangladeshi fermented milk products Dahi

Md. Ahsanul Kabir, SM. Amanullah, Abdullah Al Noman, SM. Jahangir Hossain, Nasrin Sultana, Shahanaj Ferdousi Shejuty, Dipa Das
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 206-216, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to identify beneficial lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from traditional Bangladeshi fermented milk product dahi and provide efficient starter cultures. Twenty dahi samples were collected from four districts in Bangladesh and selected isolates were then subjected to biochemical tests including catalase and gas production tests and physiological tests (growth under different conditions). Finally, LAB was identified at the genus and species level using PCR. Sixteen isolates were identified based on Gram-positive and catalase-negative characteristics. All of the isolates were homo-fermentative in nature. “Morphological and biochemical tests revealed that the majority of the isolates belonged to the genera Streptococcus (45.0%) and Lactobacillus (35.0% Physiological tests demonstrated that the most predominant Streptococci were Streptococcus thermophilus which exhibited profuse growth at 45°C and a pH of 4-5, but no growth at below 15°C and even in 2% NaCl. The other strains were Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus which manifested luxuriant growth at 45°C, moderate growth at 25°C and 2% NaCl and no growth below 15°C. Furthermore, genus-specific PCR followed by species-specific PCR also verified the presence of these species as 25% of the 16 isolates were identified as S. thermophilus, 31.2% as L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and 12.5% as L. acidophilus with these methods. Positive PCR results demonstrated that among the isolated strains, 25% of LAB were S. thermophilus, 31.2% were L. bulgaricus and 12.5% were L. acidophilus. These identified bacteria are the most widely used LAB in many fermented milk products such as dahi, yogurt and yogurt-like products. Therefore, they can be used as starter cultures to increase the probiotic and organoleptic properties of dahi and other Bangladeshi fermented milk products.

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