Global Warming and Temperature Changes for Saudi Arabia

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Research Paper 01/01/2016
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Global Warming and Temperature Changes for Saudi Arabia

Ishtiaq Hassan, Abdul Razzaq Ghumman, Hashim Nisar Hashmi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 1), 179-191, January 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims at forecasting changes in temperature of the Saudi Arabia for the next hundred years. Temperature data of 38 years for thirteen stations in Saudi Arabia have been used as basis for this study. A Global Climate Model (GCM) has been applied to simulate temperatures by the end of the year 2100 for two scenarios namely a double carbon dioxide (2CO2) and a Modern_Predicted Sea Surface Temperature (MPSST) scenario. Temperature isotherms models, for twelve grids surrounding Saudi Arabia, have been prepared for annual and seasonal averages of each of the two scenarios by using the software “AutoCAD2000i”. Seasonal and annual averages have been extracted from these cited climate statistics and changes found by calculating the difference of the 2CO2 and MPSST values. It is found that the order (hottest remain the hottest and vice versa) of severity of the station temperatures will remain the same as being experienced for the present time. The overall change in land surface temperature for Saudi Arabia is a 4.72°C increase.


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