Hydrogeochemical characterization and assessment of the quality of surface waters of Oued Saf-Saf (North-East Algeria)

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Hydrogeochemical characterization and assessment of the quality of surface waters of Oued Saf-Saf (North-East Algeria)

Salim Boubelli, Hicham Chaffai, Bachir Sakaa, Mohamed Djidel, Nacer Kherici
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 168-178, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study of the hydrogeochemical characteristics for evaluation of surface water quality in the Oued Saf-Saf required the taking of 13 surface samples all along the watercourse, from upstream to downstream in order to get an idea of ​​the evolution of water quality on the route from the wadi to the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. The analyzes therefore focused on the determination of the principal mineral elements, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, lead, copper, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci and clostridium sulphito-reducers. Examination of the variation in the chemical composition of the surface water in the Oued Saf-Saf along the flow line to the outlet indicates high concentrations of bicarbonates and calcium probably at the dissolution of calcic and carbonate facies. The denitrification process, the dissolution of dolomite and calcite can explain the geochemical characteristics of the surface waters studied. The determination of organic pollutants by the organic pollution indices (IPO) and the biodegradability index (IB) is therefore based on the parameters of BOD5, COD, O2, nitrates, nitrites, ammoniums, phosphates and the microbiological quality index (IQM). The results obtained describe a worrying situation of the state of this river, dangerously threatened by human activities. The IPO shows low to moderate pollution that changes from upstream to downstream and the IB is greater than 3, indicating non-biodegradable effluents. On the other hand, the IQM suggests a moderate fecal contamination, which can be explained by the continuous improvement of the connection of the riverins to the collection and seeding networks.


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