Impact of planting date and row spacing on growth, yield and quality of Soybean; A Review

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Impact of planting date and row spacing on growth, yield and quality of Soybean; A Review

Bilal Ahmad Khan, Amjed Ali, Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Asad Elahi, Muhammad Adnan, Muhammad Mohsin Amin, Muhammad Fraz Ali, Muhammad Waqas, Amir Aziz, Muhammad Kashif Sohail, Abdul Wahab, Tariq Abdullah Khan, Hamza Yousaf, Muhammad Shozib Javed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 2), 121-129, August 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is recognized as the “Golden bean” of the 21st century. The global rising demand of soybean is owing to its inimitable composition, outstanding dietetic value and health benefits. However, soybean grain yield is extremely less than regarding its yield potential. Main factors that reduce its yield are climate unevenness, inappropriate growing time, lower germination percentage, meager quality, scarcity of seed irrigation, improper planting space and weeds. Suitable planting date of soybean is probably most conspicuous cultural practice for maximizing seed yield. Line spacing is one of the major parameter that eventually affects nutrients uptake, growth and capitulate of plant. Keeping in above the above situation present is designed to evaluate the best planting date and row spacing for improving production.


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