Impact of urbanization on the floristic diversity of home gardens in Abomey-Calavi: Towards a sustainable conservation strategy

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Research Paper 06/09/2024
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Impact of urbanization on the floristic diversity of home gardens in Abomey-Calavi: Towards a sustainable conservation strategy

Rodrigue Idohou, Abdel Aziz Osseni, Gbodja Houéhanou François Gbesso, Fulberte Fassinou
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 3), 109-120, September 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Home gardens are vital systems for producing utilitarian plants, typically situated in or near residences. The diversity of these gardens is influenced by the urban layout and the sociocultural background of their locations. This research aims to examine the diversity and sustaining factors of home gardens along a rural-urban continuum to enhance their value in Abomey-Calavi municipality. The study employed a systematic inventory of plant species, complemented by a socio-economic survey conducted in 150 households possessing home gardens, distributed across three urbanization levels: urban, peri-urban, and rural. To characterize the home gardens, species richness, Shannon diversity index, and Pielou’s equitability were calculated. Linear regression was used to assess the impact of urbanization levels on species richness, and binary logistic regression identified the determinants for conserving home gardens among the population. The findings reveal a total species richness of 112 species across 46 botanical families, with noticeable variations along the rural-urban gradient. The average number of plant species per garden is 14 ± 0.32 in rural settings, 7 ± 0.32 in peri-urban areas, and 3 ± 0.22 in urban areas. The dominant families include Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae, Caesalpiniaceae, and Combretaceae. The Shannon diversity index is higher in rural areas (2.94 bits) than in urban areas (2.5 bits). The study identified a declining species richness from city centers to peripheral zones (R² = 0.66; P <0.001). Respondents cited mostly occupation and income level as key factors for maintaining home gardens. These insights can guide local policy decisions to develop conservation strategies for preserving the floristic diversity across varying urbanization levels.


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