In vitro study of the activity of essential oils of Thymus capitatus and Thymus vulgaris against enterobacteria of avian origin resistant to antibiotics

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In vitro study of the activity of essential oils of Thymus capitatus and Thymus vulgaris against enterobacteria of avian origin resistant to antibiotics

Yahya Merazi, Kheira Hammadi
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 292-307, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem in veterinary practice. The purpose of this study is to find an alternative to antibiotics like thyme essential oil in vitro. The Enterobacteria are isolated from dead and sick chicken organs. An antibiogram is carried out on the latter strains in order to select the resistant strains. The essential oils of Thymus capitatus and Thymus vulgaris are extracted by hydrodistillation. By measuring the activity of the oils on agar MH has different concentration of 5 µl, 10 µl, and 15 µl. The MIC is determined by the macrodilution technique (macroscopic inhibition in a liquid medium). We noted a predominance of Escherichia coli 49%. The resistance to all antibiotic tested described is given for E. coli 52.78%, Enterobacter 64.29%, Proteus 66.67% and Salmonella 53.03%. The family Enterobacteria shows resistance better than 65.31% for Ampicillin, Ceftiofur, Neomycin and Flumequine. Test of aromatogram revealed inhibition diameters between 0 mm and 52.33±1.53 mm. The oil of Thymus capitatus, generates a MIC between 1.25 and 5 μL/mL with a bactericidal / bacteriostatic effect, whilst the oil of Tymus vulgaris, generates a lower MIC of 5 µl/mL, with a bactericidal effect. A statistically significant difference p≤0.05 in the effect of the essential oil of Thymus capitatus compared to CS 10μg and UB 30μg for concentrations of 5 μl and 10 μl. These results open up prospects for the use of essential oils in vivo to treat diseases in poultry that have not been treated by antibiotics.

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