Influence of seed inoculation with biological fertilizer on fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) and coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) germination

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Influence of seed inoculation with biological fertilizer on fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) and coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) germination

Hossein Khoshvaghti, Mohammad Akrami, Mehri Yusefi, Sahar Baserkouchehbagh, Marziyeh Hoseini
Int. J. Biosci.3( 11), 108-114, November 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study effects of seed inoculation with Nitragin as bio-fertilizer at concentrations of 2, 3 and 4 cc (ml) and distilled water as control on seed germination and early growth of fennel, a laboratory experiment was conducted in Islamic Azad University of Tabriz in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Results showed that fennel seeds were inoculated with 4 cc (ml) Nitragin, root length increased by 6.5%, compared with the control. Inoculation of fennel seeds with 4 cc (ml) Nitragin was increased shoot length around 3%, compared with un-primed. Seeds which treated with the same treatment seedling length increased up to 179 mm, and root/shoot ratio increased 3.8%, in comparison to control plots. When Nitragin concentration reduced up to 3 cc (ml), shoot dry weight increased nearly 1.4g. In concentration of 2 cc (ml) Nitragin, root/shoot dry weight ratio increased by 45%. In the highest nitragin concentration GR increased by 43%, compared to control. Also, the lowest GR was occurred in seeds treated with distilled water. It was concluded that fennel producers could improve germination and early growth of fennel by seed priming with nitragin.

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