Integrated nutrient management of upland rice

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Integrated nutrient management of upland rice

Ricardo B. Casauay
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 190-199, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study aimed to develop site-specific nutrient management for upland rice (Aringay)and to determine the profitability of the different fertilizer treatments and the best nutrient treatment in terms of the agronomic characteristic, yield, yield component parameters of Aringay. RCBD with 3 replications was used with10 treatments. Results revealed that regardless of fertilizer treatments used, plants had mean height ranged from 125-137.27cm. Average productive and unproductive tillersplant-1ranged from 9-11 and 0.13-0.6, respectively. Moreover, length of panicles ranged19.8-20.8cm. No significant difference was noted between treatments on all the above parameters. T3 statistically outranked all other treatments in terms of the number of spikelets per plant with a mean of 139.96, other treatments ranged from 91.13-109.26 with no significant difference between them. Likewise, fertilizer dressings posed no significant effect on seed density which ranged from 18.5-22.77g/1000 seeds. Higher net incomes and ROIs were obtained from T3 (Recommended Inorganic Fertilizer + 6 bags organic fertilizer (recommended rate), followed by T9 (Recommended rate Inorganic Fertilizer + concoctions (FPJ & KAA) with corresponding incomes P29,999.2 (93.63) and P25,513.8 (81.65), respectively. All other treatments gave an income ranges from P9,738.37 to P18,642.4. Researchers recommend the use of 40-60kg N/ha and 14kg of P and K for lesser cost in upland rice production.


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