Isolation and characterization of potential probiotic bacteria from sahiwal cow gut

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Research Paper 01/09/2019
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Isolation and characterization of potential probiotic bacteria from sahiwal cow gut

Shahid Zaman, Madeeha Gohar, Misbah Tubassam, Maria Qubtia, Shakira Ghazanfar, Muhammad Imran
Int. J. Biosci.15( 3), 261-271, September 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Farm animal productivity depends upon many factors including gut microbiome. It is well established that dysbiosis in the gut microbiome leads to compromised productivity and metabolic disorder. Microbial species with probiotic potential can be isolated from dung samples. From twelve cow dung samples total of nineteen bacterial strains were isolated on two different growth media (M17 and TSA). Only four gram-positive strains were isolated and conformed through 16S rDNA sequencing. Fully characterized strains QAULL04 (KP256013) and QAUEM01 (KP273582) were checked for their probiotic potential. QAULL04 and QAUEM01 has shown maximum mimic gut survival of 31.70% and 3.35% after two hours respectively while it reduces to 26.72% and 0% after 24 hours respectively. Cholesterol assimilation potential of QAULL04 was high (64.44%) in comparison with QAUEM01 (50%) while cell hydrophobicity of QAUEM01 was high (21.10%) than QAULL04 (4.712%). Cumulatively QAULL04 has shown better results for its probiotic application in animal feed.


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