Isolation and speciation of Candida from various clinical samples using chrome agar in a tertiary care Hospital in Coimbatore

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Research Paper 03/02/2025
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Isolation and speciation of Candida from various clinical samples using chrome agar in a tertiary care Hospital in Coimbatore

M. Banumathy, R. Radhika, P. Santhanalakshmi
Int. J. Micro. Myco.26( 2), 1-7, February 2025.
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Most common causes of fungal infections worldwide are Candida species. It is the fourth leading cause of health care associated infections. Candida species have emerged as a major cause of human disease, especially among the immunocompromised and those hospitalized with serious co-morbid conditions. To isolate and identify the various Candida species from clinical samples by using chromogenic media. Various samples received in laboratory from patients of all age group and both sexes with suspected Candida infection were included in this study and the positive isolates were identified by using chromogenic media. 40 candida isolates were studied. 21-40 years was the most common age group affected and female predominance was seen. C. tropicalis was most commonly found followed by C. albicans species. It can be concluded from our results that the species level identification of the Candida isolates using chrome agar medium would enable the laboratories to rapidly identify and speciate the clinically important Candida species. This can greatly influence the treatment options for the clinician and may have an impact on the patient care that can potentially reduce the patient’s morbidity and mortality.

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