Malunggay Pod Meal as Dietary Supplement: Its Effect on the Carcass Traits and Gut Development of Broiler Chickens

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Malunggay Pod Meal as Dietary Supplement: Its Effect on the Carcass Traits and Gut Development of Broiler Chickens

Juster John Escobillo, Keiven Mark B. Ampode
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 481-490, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam) is a multipurpose drought-resistant tropical tree of the family Moringaceae. It is commonly used for human consumption, medicinal and agricultural uses, including animal feeding. The experiment was conducted to ascertain the effects of Malunggay Pod Meal (MPM) as a dietary supplement on the carcass yield, meat composition, and gut development of broiler chickens in a 42-day feeding trial. A total of 60-day-old broiler chickens were assigned in a Completely Randomized Design experimental set-up with four dietary treatments (3 replicated pens of 5 birds/pen). Dietary treatments were: (T1) control group (0% MPM); (T2) 5% MPM; (T3) 10% MPM; and (T4) 15% MPM. Carcass traits and gut development were measured by slaughtering three birds per treatment. Results indicated that the Malunggay Pod Meal supplementation has no significant effect (p>0.05) on the final weight, dressed weight, and carcass yield. However, numerically, birds treated with 15% MPM showed better results compared to other treatments. A significant result (p<0.05) was observed on the meat composition of broiler chickens, with the highest values observed in birds fed with 5% MPM. Moreover, Malunggay Pod Meal has no significant effect (p>0.05) on gut development. Numerically, broilers fed with 5% MPM improved the weight of the crop, heart, liver, cecum, kidney, and proventriculus. Overall, Malunggay Pod Meal (MPM) as a dietary supplement could be an alternative feed source with no adverse effect on the carcass traits, gut development, and meat composition of broilers.


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