Microbiological effects of high pressure processing on food

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Microbiological effects of high pressure processing on food

Nila Ghasemkhani, Afsaneh Morshedi, Zahra Poursharif, Banafsheh Aghamohammadi, Mina Akbarian, Fatemeh Moayedi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 133-145, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years high pressure (HP) processing has been investigated as an alternative method for food preservation. HP technology allows inactivation of microorganisms while maintaining sensory and nutritional properties of foods. Consumers have increased their demand for high-quality foods that are convenient and nutritious, that have fresh flavour, texture, colour and minimal or no chemical preservatives, and above all, that are safe. The use of non-thermal methods for food preservation is due to consumer demands for microbiological safe products, without changes in the sensory and nutritional qualities of the product. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has emerged as an alternative totraditional thermal processing methods for foods. High-pressure processing (HPP) entails the pasteurization of food using pressure in the 100-600 MPa range, which results in a reduction of microbial loads and thus extends the shelf life of the processed food. The scientific theories behind HPP should be fully understood before appropriate parameter conditions such as pressure, temperature, time, and pH can be accurately selected. Among these, the pressure-resistant characteristics of various microorganisms, as well as their potential physiological response to HPP, are key factors that must be considered when developing HPP foods.


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