Search Results for : seed germination

Influence of amendment type and re-cutting on biomass production and germination capacity of Artemisia annua L. in Burkina Faso

Artemisia annua L. is a plant containing artemisinin in its leaves, recommended by the world health organization (WHO) for the treatment of malaria through Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT). This study was carried out to develop an efficient technique for producing aerial biomass and seeds with high germination capacity of the species. A factorial block design […]

Genetic variation in physiological seed quality of some selected cowpea genotypes

The study was conducted using fifteen cowpea genotypes evaluated for their physiological seed quality attributes using viability and vigour tests. The laboratory experiments were set-up in a complete randomized design with three replicates at the seed quality control unit of the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan, Oyo State. Data collected were subjected to […]

Propagation of Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. seeds from four vegetation zones of Nigeria, using different pre-sowing treatments and sowing media

Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. is a tree species of the family Leguminonaseae distributed across West and Central Africa. The surging demand for its wood has hampered its natural regeneration in Nigeria. Effects of pre-sowing treatments and soil media on the germination of its seeds were examined using stratified random sampling. Seeds were sourced from Guineo-Sudanian savanna, […]

Interaction Effect of Blended (NPSB) Fertilizer Rates and Seed Sources on Yield Components and Seed Quality of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Varieties in Southern Ethiopia

Low soil fertility and poor quality seed sources are the major yields and seed quality limiting constraints of bread wheat in Ethiopia. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in Doyogana district during the 2020 cropping season to determine the interaction effect of blended fertilizer rates and seed sources on the yield and seed quality of […]

Identification of suitable integrated weed management approaches for effective weed control in dry direct-seeded basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)

The dry direct-seeded rice (dry-DSR) can redeem farmers from traditional puddled transplanted rice PTR) due to its fewer water requirements, ease and making rapid sowing feasible. The timely sowing of wheat, mustard, lentil and potato along with high-profit margins but due to heavy weed infestation, and weed-crop competition a failure in weed control which causes […]

Screening of pea genotypes against salinity at seedling stage

Different 15-genotype of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) were grown in germination trays containing fine sand as a growth medium and exposed to five different salts (NaCl, MgSO4, CaCl2, Na2SO4) treatment, i.e., 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.0 and 10 dS m-1. The germination and emergence percentage, root /shoot length, shoot/root dry weight, leaf area, and number of […]

Viability of kithul (Caryota urens L.) seeds with storage time

There is a myth among the farmers that Kithul seeds, only dropped by birds and small mammals with their excretion, germinate. The main reason for this myth is the inherent difficulty of germination in Kithul seeds with storage time. Many experiments proved a high percentage of seed germination when the seeds are sowed soon after […]