Search Results for : seed germination

Enzymatic activities, digestibility and functional properties of germinated white beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds from Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)

The objective of the present study was to evaluate enzymatic activities, functional properties and starch digestibility of the flour of germinated seeds of white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after three days of germination. Results revalated that germination induces significantly (p≤0.05) activation synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes that make nutrients available for plant growth and development. Thus, […]

Prioritizing analysis of forest genetic materials of seedlings of Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby and J. W. Grimes families in the secondary diffusion pathways

Tree breeding program requires expediting laboratory analysis of genetic materials of Falcataria moluccana. This study was conducted to prioritize genetic materials for analysis by identifying the differences of families’/provenances’ seedling germination, diameter, root-shoot ratio, and biomass as influenced by growth stressors. Ten families from secondary diffusion pathways consisting of five provenances were used in the […]

Effect of soaking with chitosan and proline under salinity on germination and physiological characters of wheat

A laboratory experiment was carried out at Central Laboratories in Central Administration for Seed Testing and Certification, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, during January 2019 to investigate the effect of soaking with chitosan and proline levels under salinity stress on wheat germination and physiological characters. The experiment was conducted in factorial experiment in randomized complete block […]

Improvement of Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Wheat by Seed Priming

The present work was conducted to find out the role of seed priming on wheat germination. The study was carried out in the Central Laboratory of Centre for plant Sciences & Biodiversity (CPS&B), University of Swat, Pakistan. Three wheat genotypes (HU-12, HU-17, and HU-20) and two check cultivars (Inqilab-91 and Chakwal-50) were studied. Seven priming […]

Allelopathic effects of three weeds (Parthenium hysterophorus L., Scirpus articulatus L. and Eleocharis congesta L.) on germination, growth and antioxidant efficiency in rice

The reduction of yield due to the allelopathic effect of weeds is a major concern in rice field. The present study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic potential of the aqueous extracts of three weeds (Parthenium hysterophorus L., Scirpus articulatus L. and Eleocharis congesta L.) on germination and seedling growth of rice. Three concentrations viz., […]

Germination potential of Falcataria mollucana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes on different hot water pre-germination treatment and germination media

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the germination potential of Falcataria mollucana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes as affected by the length of time soaking in hot water, different germination media, and light conditions. The experiment was carried out using a three-factor in split-split plot design arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCDB) with […]

Effect of harvesting stage on seed yield and quality of Okra sown at different dates

Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of harvesting stages i.e. (mature pod of turning stage, brown undried stage and brown dried stage) on seed yield and quality attributes of okra sown at different dates (March 10, March 30, April 19 and May 9) at Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab Peshawar, during 2016 and 2017. […]

A response of tropical tree Terminalia arjuna (Arjun) [Combretaceae-Myrtales] seeds and seedlings towards the presowing seed treatment in forest nursery of Sargodha, Pakistan

A tropical evergreen woody tree Terminalia arjuna Roxb. (T. arjuna), native to India and commonly found along the river banks and canals, has the high medicinal value especially for heart related diseases. A present study was conducted over the period of 4 months to check the pre-sowing seed treatment effects on T. arjuna seeds in […]

A response of tropical tree Terminalia arjuna (arjun) [Combretaceae-Myrtales] seeds and seedlings towards the pre-sowing seed treatment in forest nursery of Sargodha, Pakistan

A tropical evergreen woody tree Terminalia arjunaRoxb. (T. arjuna), native to India and commonly found along the river banks and canals, has the high medicinal value especially for heart related diseases. A present study was conducted over the period of 4 months to check the pre-sowing seed treatment effects on T. arjuna seeds in nursery […]

Effects of different hot water pre-germination treatment and germination media on the germination of Falcata (Falcataria moluccana, (Miq.) Barneby and J.W. Grimes)

Since hot water treatment is the most common pre-germination treatment for falcata seeds.  The ideal soaking time in hot water (100°C) to break dormancy of falcata seeds and the effective germination media that can enhanced germination were investigated.  The germination of seeds soaked in different length of time viz., 5 secs, 15 secs and 30 […]