Search Results for : review papers

Rapid Publication

There is increasing pressure on journals, with most experiencing increasing numbers of submissions, most editors maintain high rejection rates and it takes a long period of publication. This pressure of publishing and editorial response time has become increasingly difficult to get papers published in reputed journals within a short period. But in modern optics, the […]

INNSpub | Call for Paper

The International Network for Natural Sciences | INNSpub invites all honorable research scholars to submit their original quality manuscripts for quick publication of research papers, review papers, short communications, research reports, technical reports, intellectual articles, conceptual papers, and the latest research & findings on Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Agricultural sciences, Health sciences, and Bio-medicinal science […]

INNSpub | Aim and Scope

The International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub)is a journal network that publishes articles that contribute new theoretical results in all the areas of Natural Science and biology. It publishes reviews, research papers and communications in all areas of biology and at the interface of related disciplines with the aim of encouraging scientists to publish their […]

About INNSpub

The International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) is an International research Journal Publisher and dedicated to publishing scholarly research paper and books in the English and believes in sharing new scientific knowledge in the field of Biological sciences, Environmental sciences, Plant & Animal sciences, Agricultural sciences, Herbal medicine, Biodiversity, Forestry, Genetics related to others areas; […]

Indigenous varieties of plant based food and dietary habits of tribal women in Chhattisgarh

Human progress has been directly linked to the development of traditional culinary culture. Geographical conditions, climate, seasonal variations, soil type, water source, forest region, agriculture, immigrants, the consequences of invaders, and the work habits of locals all have a role. Generally, at household level, cultural norms, practices, and socio-economic factors determine the extent of dietary […]

Potential applications of silver nanoparticles

Due to their ability to fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are often utilized in biotechnology. They are created via the use of chemical, physical, and biological processes. AgNPs provide efficient remedies for seven primary problems, including antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, bone healing, bone cement, dental applications, and wound healing, according to a […]

INNSpub Research Journal Manager

INNSpub Research Journal Manager delivers an easier manuscript management panel to the worldwide author(s) for easily managing their submissions, peer review, and editorial workflow online within a short time, it is also adventitious for expert reviewers, libraries and scholars. Journal Manager facilitates – Always can track the current status of the submitted manuscript – Author […]

Evaluation criteria of a journal articles

A reviewer plays a crucial role in publishing sector. He or She validates research; establishes a protocol by which it can be evaluated, and increases interacting possibilities within research societies. They ensure the rigorous standards of the scientific process by taking part in the peer-review system. They also uphold the integrity of the journal by […]

Evaluation of journals to publish an article

A journal is a scholarly publication encompassing articles written by researchers, professors and other experts. Journals focus on a specific discipline or field of study. Unlike newspapers and magazines, journals are intended for an academic or technical audience, not general readers. Journals are published on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and are sequentially numbered. […]