Search Results for : physicochemical

Cell cytotoxicity of alpha interferon alone and in combination with nano particles against breast cancer cell line

Despite extensive research, most anticancer drugs have nonspecific toxicity. Pharmacological experiments, using dozens of animals for every new compound, most often needed more time for biological characterization than for chemical synthesis. This situation started to change about thirty years ago. Slowly rational approaches developed, like QSAR and molecular modeling. Such cytotoxic drugs have a narrow […]

Nutritional and chemical composition of Jatropha curcas (L) seed oil from Nigeria

This study investigated the nutritional and chemical properties of Jatropha curcas (L) seed oil from Abia State, Nigeria using standard analytical methods. Proximate composition results show it is rich in protein (29.4%), carbohydrate (16.89%) and fat (46.89%). Low concentrations of phytonutrients were also detected; alkaloids (1.5g/100g), flavonoids (0.81g/100g). The seed is also rich in essential […]

Evaluation of the chemical composition of Pentadesma butyracea butter and defatted kernels

Studies were carried out on P. butyracea kernels to determine their nutritional and antinutritional composition. The kernels contained 41.9% of butter. The physicochemical properties of the butter are as follows: saponification value, 192.5 mg KOH/g of oil; refractive index (20°C), 1.462; unsaponifiable matter, 1.8%; acidity, 0.41%; peroxide value, 17.3 meq O2/kg of butter. The butter […]

Effect of covering water surface with azolla (Azolla filiculoides Lam.) on water quality, growth and production of nile tilapia fed practical azolla-diets in earthen ponds

Although common in Africa’s rural areas, covering fish pond with Azolla is an extensive aquaculture practice that generates lower fish growth performances. To improve fish yield, a 90-days experiment was implemented to evaluate the effects of several Azolla cover (AC) levels on water nutrient, plankton dynamic, growth and production of Nile tilapia supplementary fed in […]

Salinity effects of irrigation water on maize crop production at maizube farms, Minna, Nigeria

The salinity effects of irrigation water on maize crop production were determined by taking samples of the water from three locations at Maizube Farms. Laboratory analysis was conducted on the samples to determine the physicochemical properties. The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and the leaching requirement (LR) of the irrigation water were determined. The values obtained […]

Synergism between Season, pH, conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) of Imo River quality for agricultural irrigation

Quality of fresh water sources as influenced by season and physicochemical characteristics is a major consideration for use in agricultural irrigation programs. Seasonal values and variations of pH, Conductivity, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and their interactions in Imo River quality were determined under standard analytical methods. Water samples were collected for two seasons – […]

Homology modeling and structure prediction of thioredoxin (TRX)

Wheat is an important dietary cereal often associated with beneficial health effects. A study was carried out to investigate the in silico analysis of homology modeling and 3D structure prediction of Thioredoxin (TRX) protein in Triticum aestivum. Primary structure prediction and physicochemical characterization were performed by computing theoretical isoelectric point (pI), molecular weight, total number […]