Panlasang Pinoy: Development and acceptability of authentic Filipino seasoning using anchovy (Engraulis spp.)

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Research Paper 06/08/2024
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Panlasang Pinoy: Development and acceptability of authentic Filipino seasoning using anchovy (Engraulis spp.)

MA. Dina D. Jimenez
Int. J. Biosci.25( 2), 146-153, August 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study aimed to provide an organically made seasoning that the ingredients used upon development can be found in the Philippines. Since the food enhancer is made with natural spices and ingredients, this can assure the aromatic scent, rich flavor, and nutritious food enhancer compared to manufactured flavoring. This could be substitute to the wide use of Monosodium Glutamate in the Philippines. The study focuses on identifying the microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory evaluation of the proposed product. The microbial analysis with the parameters of identifying the Standard Plate Count of 4,100 CFU/g, which is comparable to <104 or less than 10,000 CFU/g in numerical terms. Anchovy Mix contains 20 CFU/g of yeast and mold using the Petrifilm technique, indicating that the product has minimal pathogenic growth and passed the evaluation of detecting the high risk of fungal growth. Sensory evaluation was undertaken to assess the acceptability of the created product, Anchovy Mix, with a total of 40 responses from randomly chosen end-users and 10 are professional food expert. Anchovy mix gathered descriptive evaluation of Extremely Like with a total of 8.57 overall acceptability from 40 responses, therefore it is concluded that the product is safe to consume.


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