Perception and mechanisms for managing complaints and conflicts arising from the contamination of soil and crops by pesticides in the cotton zone of North-West Benin

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Research Paper 09/06/2024
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Perception and mechanisms for managing complaints and conflicts arising from the contamination of soil and crops by pesticides in the cotton zone of North-West Benin

Hervé Kouessivi Janvier Bokossa, Daouda Orou Bello, Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko, Gounou Alexandre Saka, Djimon Bruno Ahouanse, Parfait Djossou, Roch Christian Johnson
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 6), 69-78, June 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


To analyze the farmers’ perceptions of the existence of conflicts, their management mechanisms, and common human diseases linked to the pesticide uses, 200 randomly selected farmers were interviewed throughout 20 villages in the Kérou and Péhunco municipalities in Benin. The results of the study indicate that the age of producers (40.18±1.30 years) is not significantly different (p>0.05). The largest areas allocated to different speculations are mainly found in the commune of Kérou (p<0.01 to p<0.001). The majority of farmers (96%) reported that pesticides are helpful in the pests and weeds control and foster good yields but their use harms health, impoverishes the soil, and disrupts aquatic ecosystems and plant life cycles. Furthermore, farmers (55%) revealed that the region faces problems of contamination or excessive toxicity of food products caused by pesticides, which is creating conflicts among cotton and food farmers. Dialogue (51%), the intervention of the farmers’ association committee (25%) and the intervention of the Territorial Agency for Agricultural Development (ATDA) municipal unit (20%) were the main management mechanisms of conflicts. In perspective, it is possible to lay the foundations for preventive actions and responsible cotton production to avoid the emergence of land conflicts between farmers, promoting peace.


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