Possibility rainwater harvesting at Western side of Al-Najaf Provence, Iraq

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Possibility rainwater harvesting at Western side of Al-Najaf Provence, Iraq

Arshad W. Al-enzy, Hussein B. Ghalib
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 1), 162-171, January 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The research aims to highlight on the largest wades in the study area (wade Al-Khur and wade Haussab) which are located in the West of Al-Najaf province and study the possibility of investing in rainwater harvesting through establishment of several submersible dams. Building such of these dams their have many benefits for the region like the protection from floods, obstructing the waters to get more time to penetrate through the soil column, recharging of groundwater from aggregate of water behind the dam via injection of water directly in the groundwater aquifer by use the modern methods. On the other hand, existences of such water ponds which allow to provide the water to the local population (Bedouin) and watering their animals, also it can be used for irrigation. Drainage patterns of secondary valleys are drawn by using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is applied to determine the typical locations of small dams or barriers of concrete or soil. Several of field traps were conducted in the study area, where the main course of both wades were tracked to determine the most appropriate location for constructions such of these submersible dams in the region.


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