Resveratrol and other phenolic compounds from wild grape Vitis vinifera. ssp sylvestris

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Resveratrol and other phenolic compounds from wild grape Vitis vinifera. ssp sylvestris

Ruhollah. Dastoor1, Davood. Bakhshi, Alireza. Aliakbar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 121-130, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Resveratrol is a stilbene polyphenol which is widely considered for its several therapeutic effects. Grapes are the main resource of resveratrol. Wild grapes, as the proper source of phenolic compounds, have been grossly underestimated. Consequently, phenolic compounds and resveratrol of wild grape (Vitis vinifera. ssp sylvestris) in Guilan province were studied. The results revealed that wild grape contains high concentration of phenolic compounds, especially resveratrol. After identification of resveratrol, the separation and purification continued through four stages stepwise as reflux extraction, protein precipitation, remove of lipids and gel permeation chromatography on sepahdex column. Subsequently, the FT-IR, MASS spectra and melting point were recorded and monitored to ensure the identity of the purified material. The obtained amount of resveratrol after extraction was 0.014%. After purification process, the content of resveratrol in the dried product reached 0.1% which, as a result, indicates an efficient purification method. Moreover, wild grapes have the usage capacity for natural antioxidants production in pharmaceutical industry.


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