Review of crocodilian communication: A research gap in acoustic and chemical signals in Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)

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Review of crocodilian communication: A research gap in acoustic and chemical signals in Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus)

Jailabdeen Ajjim, G. Archunan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 1), 52-61, July 2023.
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Crocodilians are a diverse group of reptiles that have been extensively studied for their morphology, behaviour, and ecology. However, the communication and signalling mechanisms in crocodilian species, especially for the critically endangered gharial, remain poorly understood. Acoustic communication in crocodilians is relatively well-documented, but the production and reception of acoustic signals remain understudied. The application of new technological advancements, such as the acoustic camera used in frogs, could greatly advance acoustic research in various species of crocodilians. In contrast, chemical communication research is comparatively more limited for all species of crocodilians, and has been limited to sampling captive animals, primarily in zoos. Studying both acoustic and chemical signalling in gharials could significantly contribute to the understanding of their behavioural ecology and aid conservation aspects. Furthermore, it would considerably enlarge the representation of contemporary crocodilians since gharials in captivity are few and largely unstudied. This review summarizes current understanding of acoustic and chemical communication in crocodilians and highlights the need for future research.


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