Seed germination potential, phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of two tomato varieties

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Research Paper 01/01/2016
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Seed germination potential, phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of two tomato varieties

Mst. Samima Nasrin, Fatema Jesmin, M. Mostafizur Rahman, M. Firoz Alam
Int. J. Biosci.8( 1), 63-76, January 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The present study has carried out to evaluate seed germination potential, phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of two tomato varieties viz., Raton and Persimmon.Seed germination experiment has undertaken with an objective to determine how the rate of seed germination can be influenced by various concentrations (10-3M, 10-4M, 10-5M) of plant hormones i.e. NAAand BA.Raton (BA 10-5M) has showed highest germination percentage as well as the longestshoot and root length in contrast to other treatments. So, low concentration of plant hormones has showed more effectiveness for seed germination in both varieties. Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activityof well ripen berry powder have assessed to explainthe scientific basis fornutritional and nutraceuticals benefits of tomato. Phytochemical screening of Raton and Persimmon have showed that alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids and glycosides are present in both Raton and Persimmon, but saponin and phenol are absent in Persimmon. Nutraceutical especially antioxidant activities of Raton and Persimmon have examined through DPPH free radical scavenging assay. Both the varieties have showed significant antioxidant activity. Where IC50 value of Raton and Persimmon are 29.2 mg/ml and 38.1 mg/ml respectively. The IC50 value of standard sample (ascorbic acid) is 11.5 mg/ml. The result of this study indicates that Raton contain higher antioxidant potential than Persimmon.The phytochemical analysis supportsantioxidant properties of both varieties and also indicating for developing herbal medicine from tomatoes.


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