Statistical control of the suitability of milk obtained from different season for cheese yield and human consumption

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Statistical control of the suitability of milk obtained from different season for cheese yield and human consumption

Özlem Ertekin, Murat Çimen, Yeliz Yilmaz
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 187-192, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In this study, statistical control on somatic cell counts of milk obtained from the seasons performed for determination of suitability to cheese yield and human consumption standards. In the study, 30 Holstein cows were used as animal material. The Milk SCC was compared with the announced standards for cheese yield and maximum consumption level for human using one-sample t test. Milk SCC rates for all seasons (125,530, 125,000, 134,666, 137,660 cells/ml for autumn, winter, spring and summer, respectively) were lower than reference limit value of cheese yield (max. 500,000 cells/ml). Observed SCC levels for each season were lower than announced limits for human consumption (max. 400,000 cells/ml). Found SCC rates in the study were so suitable for both standards. Increased values in SCC for spring and summer season could be an undesirable level for extremely sensitive consumers although it is suitable for human consumption. Milk containing low SCC in autumn and winter season is more favorable in terms of flavor of milk and economic gain of producers.


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