Statistical determination of effect of somatic cell count on dairy processing and flavor in romanov sheep milk

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Statistical determination of effect of somatic cell count on dairy processing and flavor in romanov sheep milk

Duygu Ulaş, Murat Çimen
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 3), 67-70, September 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In this research, statistical control on somatic cell counts (SCC) of milk obtained from the Romanov sheep raised in Tunceli Province of Turkey performed for determination of suitability to dairy process and flavor standards. In the study, 10 Romanov sheep were used as animal material. The somatic cell count means were compared with the mentioned reference values for dairy process and flavor standards using one-sample t test. Milk SCC rate for used animal material (155.763cells/mL) was lower than reference value of standards for dairy process (max. 1.000.000cells/mL). Observed SCC levels for Romanov sheep were lower than announced limits for undesired taste (max. 3.000.000cells/mL). Found milk SCC in the research was so favorable for both standards. Higher values from dairy process standards could be an undesirable level for extremely sensitive consumers although it is suitable for undesired taste limit. Milk containing low SCC of Romanov ewes is more favorable in terms of flavor of milk and economic gain associated with dairy process.


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