Studies on phytochemicals, antibacterial efficacy and antioxidant potency of Capparis sepiaria on enteric pathogens.

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Research Paper 01/11/2011
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Studies on phytochemicals, antibacterial efficacy and antioxidant potency of Capparis sepiaria on enteric pathogens.

Mohana Sundaram, Bharathi, Thirumalai, Pennarasi, Gowthamkumar, Sabarirajan, Premanand, Vishalanand, Mohsin.
Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed.1( 3), 1-7, November 2011.
Certificate: IJBB 2011 [Generate Certificate]


In this investigation, Capparis sepiaria was analysed for its phytochemical constituents qualitatively and quantitatively. The antibacterial property of aqueous, ethanolic and hexane extracts of Capparis sepiaria was studied against different bacteria include Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Shigella flexineri. Hexane extract of Capparis sepiaria showed the maximum growth inhibition zone of 20.4±0.2 mmat concentration of 500 mg against Salmonella typhi. Please mention the highest inhibition result including extract name and concentration. The antioxidant effect of those extracts was also studied against α-tocopherol as a control. From the results, Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins were revealed to be present in Capparis sepiaria. Ethanol extract at the concentration of 500 μg/ml showed 57.81% antioxidant activity against 500 μg/ml of α-tocopherol which showed 66.76% as a standard reference.

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