Study of the multi-resistance of enterobacteria and nonfermentative gram-negative Bacilli isolated from the Bandama Rivers (Cote d ‘Ivoire)

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Study of the multi-resistance of enterobacteria and nonfermentative gram-negative Bacilli isolated from the Bandama Rivers (Cote d ‘Ivoire)

Affou Séraphin Wognin, Mohamed Baguy Ouattara, Traoré Sylvain Gnamien, Bohouba Jean-Marc Gbea, Nathalie Kouadio Guessennd, Ossey Bernard Yapo
Int. J. Micro. Myco.17( 5), 1-8, November 2023.
Certificate: IJMM 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of the Bandama river study was to contribute to the surveillance of multidrug resistant pathogens isolated from the river. It was used to isolate strains of Enterobacteria and multi-resistant non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli and to establish a database of these microorganisms. Twelve stations on the Bandama river were sampled during 2019, specially once every six months. The resistance profiles of enterobacteria and non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli to the marker antibiotics were determined for the isolated germs. A total of 69 bacterial species were isolated from the waters of the Bandama River, including 33 enterobacteria (47.8%) and 36 non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli (52.2%). The sensitivities tests performed revealed that 48.13% of Enterobacteria were resistant to both at least three antibiotic families (Beta-lactam antibiotics, Fluoroquinolones, Aminosides) and 63.16% of the non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli were resistant to both at least three antibiotic families (Beta-lactam antibiotics, Fluoroquinolones and other antibiotic families). The presence of these multi-resistant bacteria constitutes a real public health problem because of the risk of dissemination of these strains involved in human and animal infections. It is feared that the emergence of multidrug resistance to antibiotics could lead to the limitation or absence of solutions for effective treatment.


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