Open Access Research Paper Views (506) Download (81) Opportunities and challenges of coffee marketing: Evidence from Gibe Woreda, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia Abebe Markos, Getachew Ertumo J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 5), 51-62, November 2023. Key: ChallengeCoffeeMarket chainMultiple regressionsOpportunity Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (857) Download (133) Phytodiversity and structure of the woody flora of cocoa, coffee and cashew agrosystems in the peri-urban area of Daloa (Centre-West, Côte d’Ivoire) Bi Bianuvrin Noël Boué Voui, Wadja Mathieu Egnankou, Annick Victoire Koulibaly, Lou Hohinéné Carine Tah J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 5), 1-13, November 2022. Key: Cashew agrosystemsCocoaCoffeeCôte d’IvoirePhytodiversityStructure Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (449) Download (11) Determination of coffee origin by using 28S rDNA fingerprinting of fungal communities by PCR-DGGE: Application to the Cameroonian coffee Nganou Donkeng N, Durand N, Tatsadjieu Ngoune L, Meile JC, EL Sheikha AF, Montet D, Mbufung CM Int. J. Biosci.2( 5), 18-30, May 2012. Key: CameroonCoffeeFungal communityPCR-DGGETraceability Details