
Open Access Research Paper
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Ethnobotanical uses and community perceptions of high-carbon sequestration tree species in the green spaces of Porto-Novo: Towards sustainable and inclusive urban planning

Godonou Etienne Romaric Adéwalé, Gbesso Gbodja Houéhanou François, Idakou Gildas N’tibouti, Gbaguidi Ahonankpon Hubert Frédéric, Lougbegnon Olou Toussaint
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 431-441, December 2024.
Open Access Research Paper
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A review on medicinal plants with supposed biological activities for the endogenous management of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Benin, Togo, Ghana, Burkina-Faso and Cape Verde

Tamègnon Victorien Dougnon, Affousath Amadou, Boris Brice Legba, Eric Agbodjento, Alidehou Jerrold AGBANKPE, Diara Rocha, Irène Ayi, Simon Azonbakin, Aboudoulatif Diallo, Isidore Bonkongou, Jean Robert Klotoe, Clément Agbangla, Guy Alain Alitonou
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 51-69, August 2022.