Technological study of different traditional processes used in the production of flavored palm oil “zomi” in southern Benin

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Technological study of different traditional processes used in the production of flavored palm oil “zomi” in southern Benin

Alexandrine H. Bokossa, Durand Dah Nouvlessounon, Euloge S. Adjou, Brice Kpatinvoh, Christian T.R. Konfo, Edwige Dahouenon-Ahoussi, Mohamed M. Soumanou, Paulin Azokpota
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 24-39, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Producers who still want to get a lot of oil change the production of palm oil each day. Two types of red palm oils are produced with the fruits of the palm tree (Elaeis guineensis). These are the standard palm oil and flavored quality palm oil whose different production technologies are purely traditional. This study aims to make a technological study of the different technologies used to produce “zomi” flavored palm oil in the high production areas in Benin. For this reason, a questionnaire was used to ask each of 220 “zomi” producers in four (4) departments. It should be noted that to produce the flavored oil “zomi”, almost all the producers used the fruit of the natural variety dura Six (6) different technologies have been identified in the production of “zomi” oil. Numbered from one to six, the technologies 1, 2 and 3 are used respectively at 7.7%, 56.9% and 35.4% by Zou department producers. Technology 4 is used at 3.1% in Mono and 51.7% in Plateau. Technology 5 is used at 33.3% in the Atlantic, 93.9% in the Mono and 48.3% in the plateau. Atlantic’s producers use technology 6   at 66.7%. We note that there were 6 different technologies used for the production of “zomi”. It then becomes important to carry out a comparative study of the quality of the oils resulting from these different technologies in order to identify the one which is more indicated.


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