The genetic diversity of Convolvulus L. species inhabited in Pakistan based on intergenic spacer trnL-trnF

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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The genetic diversity of Convolvulus L. species inhabited in Pakistan based on intergenic spacer trnL-trnF

Shazia Kousar, Anjum Perveen, Ishrat Jamil, Syeda Qamarunnisa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 3), 143-150, September 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Chloroplast non-coding regions are now frequently used in plant phylogenetic studies as they exhibit more genetic variations. The resolving power of an intergenic spacer region trnL-trnF was evaluated on Convolvulus species. Genus Convolvulus L. has many economic advantages. Genus specific primer set was designed and used for polymerase chain reaction and bi-directional Sanger sequencing. 15 ingroup and 2 outgroup species were used for the present study. A consensus tree based on Bayesian inference method was reconstructed to observe Convolvulus L. species associations. Results revealed two distinct lineages. The sister associations between C. acanthocladus and C. pseudocantabricus; C. arvensis and C. kotschyanus; C. spinosus, C. prostratus and C. scindicus are strongly supported by 1 posterior probability value. Another clade representing C. lineatus, C. cephalopodus, C. fruticosus, C. glomeratus and C. rhyniospermus also establishing close relationship between species included in the clade. The morphological data also agree the association of C. glomeratus and C. rhyniospermus. The study can help in many aspect of agronomical, medicinal and economical value of represented species in future studies.


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