The sodium sulfates dominance in soil as a result of anthropogenic and climate interactions in Segzi desert plain at the east of Esfahan, Iran

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Research Paper 01/04/2016
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The sodium sulfates dominance in soil as a result of anthropogenic and climate interactions in Segzi desert plain at the east of Esfahan, Iran

Mohammad Akhavan Ghalibaf, Saba Ramazani Shahrezai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 4), 102-108, April 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The soil control against wind erosion in Segzi is very important because of strategic location of this area that it is nearby some industrial estates. The soils with a soil moisture regime of aridic and a soil temperature regime of thermic, were classified as Gypsic haplosalids subgroups. The soil subgroups of the soils have changed to Gypsic Aquisalids after leaching with agriculture surplus water in winter. The natural system of [Halite, Gypsum] in the soils has changed to secondary system of [Mirabillite, Calcium chloride] after soil leaching for salt melioration in winter. In this research after using chemical and physical, micro morphology and Thermal analyses were resulted that the major factor in wind erosion of the soils in Segzi is secondary sodium sulfate evaporates of thenardite and so mirabillite. And so for control of wind erosion was resulted to return in primary salt system with adding CaCl2 in soil for melioration.


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