The suitability of milk obtained from Simmental cows having different initial weight for yogurt production to microbiological standards

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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The suitability of milk obtained from Simmental cows having different initial weight for yogurt production to microbiological standards

Özlem Ertekin, Murat Çimen, Burhan Tekdemir
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 207-210, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In the study, 10 Simmental cows (total 30 cows) for each group (light, medium and heavy) were used. Statistical control on somatic cell counts (SCC) and pH values of milk obtained from dams having different initial live weight was applied for determination of suitability to standard of yogurt production. Somatic cell counts in light, medium and heavy dams were 79571, 53285 and 52598(cells/ml) respectively. Milk pH values in above mentioned different live weight groups were 6.56, 6.55 and 6.59 respectively. The somatic cell counts in raw milk obtained from all groups were statistically lower (p<0.001) for reference value (400000cells/ml) of yogurt production. This low SCC is ideal for the desired standards. The pH values of all groups were compatible with the reported standards (between 6.5-6.7) for yogurt making. According to findings of the research, we can say that milk samples obtained from dams having different live weight in early lactation period were suitable for reference values of yogurt production.

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