Utilization of Moringa oleifera seeds for treatment of canal and industrial waste water – an alternative sustainable solution for developing countries

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Utilization of Moringa oleifera seeds for treatment of canal and industrial waste water – an alternative sustainable solution for developing countries

Farah Deeba, Naeem Abbas, Tahir Butt, Naz Imtiaz, Rauf Ahmed Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 54-60, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Moringa oleifera is low cost, easily available and environmentally friendly natural coagulant. This research project was initiated to investigate the performance of Moringa oleifera compared with that of aluminum sulfate Al2 (SO4)3 and alum for treatment of canal water and industrial wastewater. The results of canal water with seed kernel and 0.15 g Alum was found to have maximum reduction in turbidity and microbial load. Treatment of arsenic samples (25, 50, 75. 100 ppb) the dose rate of 0.2 g of seed kernel with sieve size 125 µm was found efficient as compared to 250 and 500 µm sieve size. For industrial waste water samples maximum chromium removal was found with 0.05 seed kernel that is 718.9 mg/L to 53.85 mg/L which is 92.51 %. However other metal like Ni, Cu and Zn was also showed the best result with dose rate of 0.05 g for 100 mL wastewater. It is concluded from result that M. oleifera was not as effective as universal coagulant like alum, magnesium oxide, ferric oxide etc. that can be used for treatment of turbid waters in developing countries. The main reasons for using natural coagulants are low cost, easily available, having low health risk and environmental friendly.


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