Search Results for : Azolla

Air-dried Azolla (Azolla pinnata) meal as a feed supplement for broilers

Poultry farming is one of the most profitable businesses of agriculture that provides nutritious meat and eggs for human consumption within the shortest possible time. A large number of farms have been established in different parts of the country creating employment opportunities for the people but is facing problems because of the high price and […]

Effect of covering water surface with azolla (Azolla filiculoides Lam.) on water quality, growth and production of nile tilapia fed practical azolla-diets in earthen ponds

Although common in Africa’s rural areas, covering fish pond with Azolla is an extensive aquaculture practice that generates lower fish growth performances. To improve fish yield, a 90-days experiment was implemented to evaluate the effects of several Azolla cover (AC) levels on water nutrient, plankton dynamic, growth and production of Nile tilapia supplementary fed in […]

Implementation of integrated pest management based on detrivore augmentation against soil arthropod’s abundance and diversity in rice field

Detrivore augmentation is a part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tactic based on local potential owned by farmers. Its main objective is to increase the abundance of decomposers organisms. Decomposers abundance is an indicator of the nutrient cycling availability. It also indicates the availability of alternative energy source that ensures the natural enemy populations. Augmentation […]

Effects of chemical and biological fertilizer on yield and nitrogen uptake of rice

A factorial experiment was applied to evaluate the effect of chemical and biological fertilizer on nitrogen uptakes, nitrogen use efficiencies of grain yield and biomass (NUEg and NUEb respectively), yield and yield components of rice. Four biological treatments including:(M1:no fertilizer), ( M2:10 ton/ha cow dung ),(M3:20 ton/ha cow dung) and (M4:5 ton/ha azolla compost) and […]