Search Results for : Fortification

Fortification of cookies with sweet basil leaves powder: an unheeded hematinic

Iron deficiency prevails worldwide which may be reduced through dietary interventions like food fortification. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an iron rich medicinal plant. The present study explores its potential for fortification of cookies as Fe is used to enhance the bioactive components. There were five treatments prepared in this study, which were presented […]

Food fortification: A strategy to combat with malnutrition

Insufficient nutrients from agriculture output in some way create malnutrition. A better knowledge of requirement of sustainable and healthier diet from agriculture to food processing is critical. This study investigated the influence of food fortification in dealing with malnutrition related disorders. Various factors influencing the effectiveness of the strategy; include bioavailability of the nutrient, product […]

Biofortified staple food crops as a need of new era

More than one billion people of the world have no direct access to the nutrient enriched food. So, biofortification is an upcoming feasible, cost effective and sustainable way of providing the essential nutrients to the poor people of the developing world by fortifying the staple food crops. In this review, different approaches of biofortification are […]

A review- Zinc role in crop production

Zinc play vital role as micronutrient in growth and development of crop and significantly increase yield. Zinc plays special role in the physiological functions of plants and nowadays its deficiency is common in soil, especially in high phosphorus soil and also in all crops. Zinc deficiency affects plant by retarding its growth, chlorosis, spikelet sterility, […]

The use of cucurbitaceae fruits and seeds : research synthesis

This review aim to show to population the importance for good health of the three Curbitaceae, [C. lanatus (Thunb), L. siceraria (Molina) and C. mannii (Naudin)],  fruits, seeds and by-products consumption. Then, all article talking about the Cucurbitaceae have been downloaded. The juice, extracted from the pulp of C. lanatus and L. siceraria fruits consumption […]