Comparative antibiotic resistance profile of Acinetobacter spp. isolated from fish, chicken and beef meat

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Comparative antibiotic resistance profile of Acinetobacter spp. isolated from fish, chicken and beef meat

Aftab Ahmad, Fareeha Akhtar, Muhammad Ilyas Khan, Hameed Ur Rehman, Syeda Alia Gerdazi, Uzma Ghani, Muhammad Hanzalah Khan, Uzma Ayaz, Hira Mushtaq, Nausheen Abdul Malik, Nasir Mahmood, Matiullah, Wahid Shah, Malik Nawaz Shuja
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 305-315, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Acinetobacter is a gram-negative bacterium which is found to be involved in serious health implications due to consumption of contaminated food. In present study different markets of Lahore were selected to collect fish, beef and chicken meat samples. Identification was performed by using microscopic, morphological, biochemical and molecular analysis of all the samples. Sample were subjected to antibiotic resistance to create a comparative profile for antibiotic resistance for fish, beef and chicken meat. In the present study the molecular identification was used for carbapenem resistance gene (SPM-1). The results indicated that 24 (26.6%) of total samples were positive for Acinetobacter species. The prevalence of the Acinetobacterspecies was (30%) (26.6%) and (23.3%) in fish meat, chicken meat and beef, respectively. Ampicillin and trimethoprim showed highest resistance 100% followed by tetracycline 100%, 75% and 66.6% in beef, chicken and fish isolates respectively. Only 17 of 24 isolates were confirmed as targeted bacterium for the SPM-1 gene by PCR. Acinetobacter species had low percentage in beef meat than in fish meat and chicken meat. The chicken meat is contaminated with antibiotics resistance Acinetobacter species, they can cause serious diseases in future in poultry, animals and human. The risk concern with antibiotics resistance Acinetobacter species cannot be ignored because, they resist to currently using potential antibiotics.

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