Economic analysis of onion and garlic production as influenced by Micronutrients

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Research Paper 08/02/2025
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Economic analysis of onion and garlic production as influenced by Micronutrients

Md. Joynul Abedin, B.M. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Hanjala Pipil, Tasrin Jahan, Israt Jahan Annee, Md. Nurul Alam
Int. J. Biosci.26( 2), 158-168, February 2025.
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A field experiment was conducted in the High Ganges River Floodplain Soils (AEZ 11) at Shyampur, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, to study the effects of micronutrients on onion (cv. Taherpuri) and garlic (local variety). The soil was silty loam with pH 7.6. The trial followed a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 11 treatments (T1–T11) and three replications, applying Zn, B, Mo, Mn, Cu, and Cl at specific rates, along with NPKS as a basal dose. Data were collected at 15-day intervals and analyzed using MSTAT-C. Significant effects were observed in both crops. The highest onion yield (13.38 t/ha) was recorded in T4 (Zn + B), along with improved plant height (61.30 cm). The lowest growth and yield were found in T1 (control). In garlic, T3 (B) gave the highest yield (6.38 t/ha), while T4 (Zn + B) showed similar effects. The lowest yield was in T1. Economic analysis showed the highest net income (Tk. 425570) and benefit-cost ratio (1:8.58) for T4 in onion, while T3 had the best return (1:6.50) for garlic. For onion, the combination of Zn+B was optimal, whereas for garlic, B alone proved superior. The nutrient response ranking for onion was (Zn+B) > Zn > B > Mo, while for garlic it was B > (Zn+B) > Zn.

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